Responsive navigation with hero, features, and footer sections

This Tailwind CSS code creates a responsive page layout with the following sections: - A fixed top navigation bar that collapses on mobile sizes. Includes logo, navigation links, and buttons. - A full-width hero section with heading, description, and call-to-action buttons. Has an angled background graphic. - A feature section with icon, heading and description in a dark themed column layout. - Another feature section with paired heading and descriptions in a 3 column layout. - A newsletter signup section with heading, paragraph, and email input form. - A testimonials section in a grid layout on light background. - A footer with company logo, nav links in 2 column layout, newsletter form, and social links. The page uses Tailwind's responsive utility classes to rearrange and resize elements based on screen size. Components like navigation, buttons, typography, forms, etc. use Tailwind's component classes.

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Other components related to responsive, navigation, header, footer, hero, features, grid, newsletter, testimonials tags