Two Button Primary Action with Dropdown Secondary Options

This component uses Tailwind CSS to create a two button layout with a primary "Save Changes" button on the left and a secondary options dropdown button on the right. The primary button uses `bg-white`, `text-gray-900`, and `ring-gray-300` to style it as a white background with gray text and a light gray border. The secondary button uses `text-gray-400` and `ring-gray-300` to style it as gray with a light gray border. It utilizes the `relative`, `inline-flex`, `items-center`, and `rounded` utilities to position the buttons inline and give them rounded corners. The dropdown itself is hidden by default using `opacity-0 scale-95` and the `transition` utility to animate it in when revealed. The dropdown menu uses `bg-white`, `shadow`, and `ring` utilities to style it with a white background, slight shadow, and border. The menu links are styled as blocks with padding using `block`, `px-4`, and `py-2`. Overall, this creates a clean, modern two button layout with a primary action and secondary dropdown options using Tailwind's responsive, utility-first styling.

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Other components related to tailwind, css, utility-first, responsive, dropdown, menu, buttons tags