Two-Tier Responsive Navbar with Dropdown Menus

This component implements a two-tier responsive navigation bar with dropdown menus using Tailwind CSS utilities. It includes: - An outer top bar with currency selector and account links on desktop, collapsed on mobile - A main navbar with logo, links, search, and icons on desktop, collapsed mobile menu and icons on mobile - Dropdown menus for "Women" and "Men" links that display on hover with grid menu content - Mobile menu toggle button and off-canvas sidebar menu for navigation on small screens - Responsive behavior to adapt layout and interactions for desktop, tablet, and mobile views Key features using Tailwind: - Flexbox for layout and responsiveness - Hover, focus, and active states on links/buttons - Responsive display utilities - Overflow, transform, transition classes for mobile menu animations - Box shadows, gradients, sizing classes for visual styling

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Other components related to tailwind, navbar, navigation, responsive, mobile, dropdown, menu, off-canvas tags